Tims musings and pontifications

Blog and Articles

An eclectic mix of how-tos, insights and musing from Tim. From security to community and everything in between there is something for everyone.

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Rebuilding trust in Automatic Updates

Rebuilding trust in Automatic Updates


With automatic updates for major releases coming to WordPress core is it time for Tim to retire?

Installing PHP and other languages with ASDF on MacOS Catalina

Installing PHP and other languages with ASDF on MacOS Catalina

DevOps | General | WordPress

Tim digs into the fun world of using a version manager to get his multiple versions of PHP under control.

Farewells and Moving on

Farewells and Moving on

DevOps | General | WordPress

It’s time for Tim to say goodbye as he leaves 34SP.com after 5 years and heads off but what does the future hold for Tim?

Local Lightning is it very very frightening

Local Lightning is it very very frightening

DevOps | WordPress

Tim takes a dive into Local Development using Local Lightning, is it any good or is he going to throw it out of the window. The answer might surprise.

Getting my audio sorted in Lockdown

Getting my audio sorted in Lockdown


Tim manages to break his Blue Yeti microphone in the first week of lockdown and so began the hunt for its replacement. But what did he buy?

State of Tim – April 2020

State of Tim – April 2020


Tim looks back at the last few months here on timnash.co.uk and also to the future. He also answers the question how much does it cost to run a simple website like this?

Introducing WP User Sentry

Introducing WP User Sentry

Security | WordPress

Tim introduces his latest plugin he has been working on, WP User Sentry and explains why he felt there was a need for such a plugin in the market.

Back To Basics: Backup Strategies

Back To Basics: Backup Strategies

Security | WordPress

Backing up shouldn’t just be about security, Tim guides us through how to backup, what to backup, when to backup and with what on a WordPress site.

Bashing my BashRC – Productivity Fridays

Bashing my BashRC – Productivity Fridays


For this weeks Productivity Friday Tim looks at his BashRC file and how he manages remote servers with bash set on them.

Minimal Atom – Productivity Fridays

Minimal Atom – Productivity Fridays


For this Productivity Friday Tim takes a look at how he has achieved a very minimal coding experience with atom and is loving it.

Customising Nano – Productivity Friday

Customising Nano – Productivity Friday


In this new series Tim looks at some of how he configures his every day online Worktools, start with the humble text editor Nano. Can you even configure it, welcome to the work of Nano.

Pressing Forward – Random Mutterings

Pressing Forward – Random Mutterings

DevOps | General | Security | WordPress

Not yet a subscriber of Tims Random Mutterings newsletter? Want to know more like whats actually in one? Well then have a look at March edition and then you know subscribe!