Tims musings and pontifications
Blog and Articles
2015 Predictions for WordPress and Beyond
So 2014 has been a pretty awesome year for WordPress, PHP and all the stuff I talk about here on this blog. 2015 is looking to be even more interesting, so here are a few of my predictions for major talking points in 2015. Let’s start with the negative one, which is security. 2014 has […]
What’s GHOST got to do with WordPress
Last week a new rather scary and serious vulnerability appeared effecting most Linux systems, nicknamed GHOST because while it relates to glibc library it specifically can be targeted through getHostName used by many high level programming languages including PHP. If this is the first you heard of this, and you manage a Linux server go […]
Respect your conference Volunteers and speakers
I’m really sad to announce that I am no longer going to be speaking at WordCamp Birmingham UK. I know my appearance has been advertised via the WPUK website and from a link on the WordCamp Birmingham site. However this was published prior to the official “you are accepted” email which only arrived last Thursday […]
Respect your conference speakers and volunteers
I’m really sad to announce that I am no longer going to be speaking at WordCamp Birmingham UK. I know my appearance has been advertised via the WPUK website and from a link on the WordCamp Birmingham site. However this was published prior to the official you are accepted email which only arrived last […]
Automating WordPress with WP-CLI and Shell Scripts
This is the third part of our WP-CLI video tutorials in which we will focus on Shell Scripting and WP-CLI. In previous videos we have introduced a few basic scripts but we will take it further to show how we can use tools within the command line to automate and manipulate WP-CLI. From storing data […]
My WordPress Development Workflow
I love reading about people’s workflows, and each time I read about someone else’s setup I take something away. I’m inspired by folks who spend half their day at standing tables (not inspired enough to actually give standing a go mind you) and who have built contraptions to aid their day. Yet workflow is about […]
Wanted Organiser for WordPress Leeds
Tim is turning over the overlordship of WordPress Leeds, and is looking for volunteers to take over and run one of the UK oldest user groups.