Happy Holidays!


You can also watch the video on YouTube

It’s almost the end of the year, and the whole timnash.co.uk team are looking forward to their Christmas break. It’s been a great year and we’re all really proud of what we’ve achieved – the heaps of blog posts have been well received, we’ve recorded some cool videos (like the one above), and run a few WordPress training courses with more on the way in the new year. I have been running around the country and been privileged to be the first speaker at 2 brand new WordPress user groups and seen another 3 or 4 appear in the last 12 months.

For WordPress in the north of England it’s been a great year, with WordPress Sheffield, Leeds, York, Cumbria, Northeast, Oldham, WordPresston and Manchester WordPress User Group all holding meetings this year. We have also had two great WordCamps in Sheffield and Manchester. Next year I look forward to the rest of the UK catching up, though with Huddersfield meetup being planned it will be a long time before any other part of the country will see a similar density of user groups.

For me this year has been a fun year and with a baby on the way 2015 is going to be a hectic one, which is why we have been busy working on long term content now, ready to drip release next year. I will still be involved with the community and you will find me at many of the northern meetups, alongside hopefully speaking at a couple of the UK WordCamps as well as a few non WordPress related conferences next year. If you find me, then say Hi! You can also find me on the WordPress.org support forums every few days and ManageWP.org, as well as the usual social media sites.

Next year I want to focus much more on developer specific content, but if there is something you would like to see then do let us know.

Finally, a much-deserved thank you to the other two faces behind the timnash.co.uk operation. Sally and Carolyn tirelessly re-read, edit, give suggestions and build content for the site. This year wouldn’t have been possible without all of their help and support.

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