General WordPress Articles & Videos Tutorials
WordPress powers over 35% of the top 100million websites in 2020 it’s Open Source and available to anyone for free, and it’s one of the most talked about software projects in the world. On this site Tim talks about WordPress concepts, tutorials and videos focusing on more niche aspects of running a WordPress site, be it in a large enterprise environment or a small vanity site.

Running WordPress without any admin users, a dystopian future?
Imagine a world without an admin user role, where sites just run themselves and the only users are editors, is this a ultimate utopia or dystopian nightmare? What if we didn’t have users at all, or even an admin interface? Tim pontificates and experiments with “adminless” WordPress sites and finds it’s future mixed.

Dynamic Static Site Generators strategies
WordPress as a static site generator, have I gone mad? Isn’t a Dynamic Static Site Generator and oxymoron? These and other interesting questions shall probably never be answered, but there are a few good reasons to use WordPress as a Static Site Generator and recently I have been taking a new approach.

Become my Patron, help me release amazing WordPress Videos
After getting feedback, I’m today launching my Patreon Campaign, will you be my next patron and help fund indepth and interesting WordPress video series? You can find out why I’m doing this and how you can get involved as well as others ways to help out.

WordPress Leeds – Dev Night 23rd September
WordPress Leeds is having a Dev Night on the same day as my WordPress Workshops, find out more about why you should come along and listen to our 4 great speakers on the night (after listening to me all day of course). The dev night is FREE for everyone so even if you are not coming along to the workshop you should still come.

10 tips for getting started with WordPress in version control
If you are new to using Version Control and WordPress be it with SVN, GIT, or another system then some of the things you used to do are going to have to change. However, the benefits do outweigh any initial inconvenience. So here are my 10 many tips for people who might be in the […]
WordPress Hard Coded Options
Following on from the Must Use plugins Tim takes a look at Hard Coding WordPress options and presents a small Must Use Generic Plugin for hard coding WordPress options.

My ‘Must Use’ plugins
Tim takes a look at what was in his MU plugins folder in his latest project and not a top 10 plugin was to be found anywhere?

Encrypting emails with PGP and WordPress
PGP has been in the news recently thanks to Google, but it’s strange how for something that’s been around over 20 years very few services send encrypted email. This article looks at PGP and how you can use it to encrypt outgoing emails, personal content and almost anything within WordPress.
Writing articles on performance or security, read this first
General | Security | WordPress
Writing a post on WordPress security or performance, then why not let me take a look at it for you for free before you publish?
Going Beyond LAMP Again…
I gave a variation on my WordCamp Sheffield Talk at Manchester WordPress User Group, this time concentrating more on how to make things go a bit faster, the slide deck is similar but not identical to the WordCamp Sheffield deck which also includes links to lot of the bits I spoke about. I dwelled a […]