General WordPress Articles & Videos Tutorials
WordPress powers over 35% of the top 100million websites in 2020 it’s Open Source and available to anyone for free, and it’s one of the most talked about software projects in the world. On this site Tim talks about WordPress concepts, tutorials and videos focusing on more niche aspects of running a WordPress site, be it in a large enterprise environment or a small vanity site.
Coming to a WordCamp?
WordCamps are a unique event, while still being conferences Tim and a lot of other folk share their top tips in this survival guide of sort. From clothing to the hallway track there hopefully a few tips for you as well.
Behind the scenes of a talk
Events and Talks | Security | WordPress
Tim dissects a recent talk from Steelcon, what went right and wrong.
London – Random Mutterings
March has been a busy month and it merged into April a little too quickly. So sorry this is a bit late but here we go with Random Mutterings volume 2. We have had a fair share of #WPDrama and then there is Pipdig. I have a couple of WP&UP bits in this roundup, but […]
My Development Workflow Early 2019
So in October 2018 I took a week off work on holiday and decided that one of my “jobs” while on holiday was to look at my development workflow. I last blogged about what and why I was using things a few years ago and I really meant to make it a regular thing as […]
Feitian ePass – U2F, 2 factor authentication
Tim takes a look at the Feitian ePass a hardware security key that he uses in place of Google Authenticator on some site.
New Site Part 2 – Development Workflow
In part 2 of this series Tim introduces the workflow behind Timnash.co.uk a ramble through how the site is developed a glimpse into his personal workflow and development practices and why he doesn’t always do what he preaches.
New Site Part 1 – Design & Performance
Tim introduces the new Timnash.co.uk look, discusses some of his “unique” design philosophy before looking at how he shaved nearly 2 seconds off the sites load time. He looks at how making the site fast has become an important part of what the site is. Right down to swapping out favicons in the name of performance.

Who is afraid of the big bad talk…
Tim writes about his recent talk at WordCamp London, its hopefully an honest post which not only guides people through his methodology but exposes many of the mistakes he made during his talk.
Lets say bye bye to default themes
I’m going to preface this with I actually tend to like the Twenty XX themes that come bundled by default with WordPress. Takashi Irie both folks I admire. I have no doubt it will be a fantastic usable and accessible theme. However I don’t think it should be in core, I don’t think we should […]
Getting PhantomJS working with Codeception in < 5 minutes
While getting a friend to look over a Codeception video series I’m preparing to release, he noticed that my tests, automated the starting and stopping of PhantomJS. I pointed him at a cool extension and off he went. Unfortunately Codeception like many projects assumes you are using Composer to manage extensions while promoting a very […]
Defence of Post Formats
I’m going to make a confession I actually like Post Formats, not the silly implementation made as part of an ill-conceived and bolted attempt to appeal to get tumblr users to WordPress.com but the post formats of the future the ones where they actually are useful. Post Formats have had a pretty ugly existence since […]
HTTP2 With Nginx & nghttp2
So good news the HTTP/2 spec was finalised recently, meaning soon the way we talk to web sites will fundamentally change and yet no one will actually notice. Partially based on SPDY Googles attempt to speed up the web, HTTP/2 will start to make the web a lot faster. The HTTP/2 spec, introduces a few […]