General WordPress Articles & Videos Tutorials
WordPress powers over 35% of the top 100million websites in 2020 it’s Open Source and available to anyone for free, and it’s one of the most talked about software projects in the world. On this site Tim talks about WordPress concepts, tutorials and videos focusing on more niche aspects of running a WordPress site, be it in a large enterprise environment or a small vanity site.

Installing PHP and other languages with ASDF on MacOS Catalina
Tim digs into the fun world of using a version manager to get his multiple versions of PHP under control.

Farewells and Moving on
It’s time for Tim to say goodbye as he leaves 34SP.com after 5 years and heads off but what does the future hold for Tim?

Local Lightning is it very very frightening
Tim takes a dive into Local Development using Local Lightning, is it any good or is he going to throw it out of the window. The answer might surprise.

Introducing WP User Sentry
Tim introduces his latest plugin he has been working on, WP User Sentry and explains why he felt there was a need for such a plugin in the market.

Back To Basics: Backup Strategies
Backing up shouldn’t just be about security, Tim guides us through how to backup, what to backup, when to backup and with what on a WordPress site.

Pressing Forward – Random Mutterings
DevOps | General | Security | WordPress
Not yet a subscriber of Tims Random Mutterings newsletter? Want to know more like whats actually in one? Well then have a look at March edition and then you know subscribe!

Making TimNash.co.uk – Part 2, The developer strikes back
This is the second part in the Making TimNash.co.uk series, and in this part Tim looks at the custom plugins and tools he uses to develop TimNash.co.uk

Part 1, Making TimNash.co.uk – Plugins and Theme
Its been a couple of years since Tim talked about his site design and a lot of things have changed both on the site but also in Tim philosophy towards it. So come learn which Plugins and themes power timnash.co.uk

Back to Basics – User Management Strategies
In this second article in the series, Tim gets back to basics with WordPress security this time focusing on user management from passwords to access control and how to deal with ex-employees credentials.

Back to Basics – Updating WordPress Strategies
In the first of a series of posts, Tim gets back to basics with WordPress security with his first look at different updating strategies for WordPress, core and plugins.
Finding all your sites Gutenberg Blocks
Want to know something? Sure you do, a secret only you and me know….I use Gutenberg on this site! There I have said it, half the WordPress world gasped in horror and do you know what I don’t dislike it. There are also lot’s of plugins now that support Gutenberg blocks, like Atomic Blocks and […]

Five languages for WordPress Developers to learn in 2020
Folks often ask me questions, and recently there has been a little bit of interest in the fact that while I work in the WordPress space I’m not a traditional “WordPress Developer” and I don’t tend to work day to day with WordPress. For those who don’t know me, my day to day programming is […]