London – Random Mutterings
March has been a busy month and it merged into April a little too quickly. So sorry this is a bit late but here we go with Random Mutterings volume 2. We have had a fair share of #WPDrama and then there is Pipdig. I have a couple of WP&UP bits in this roundup, but […]
VPNs and fun experiments with UPnP
Here lies a tale of a fun adventure with helping a friend remotely set up a VPN server, the joys of UPnP and SystemD. It’s a sort of tutorial but more documenting my own notes for if I have to do it again in future. I want a VPN server Tim It all started when […]
Return – Random Mutterings
Random Mutterings is back, with a recap of what Tim is up to and some retrospective from last month. This month it’s Rust, Typescript and site changes.
I’m not ok, but that’s alright
Tim discuses his mental health, how he copes with depression and some of the ways he is coping day to day.
Removing Google Analytics
Tim discusses why he has removed Google Analytics and justifying it beyond the fact he wants to go hide in a cave and wear a tin foil hat.
New Site Part 2 – Development Workflow
In part 2 of this series Tim introduces the workflow behind a ramble through how the site is developed a glimpse into his personal workflow and development practices and why he doesn’t always do what he preaches.
New Site Part 1 – Design & Performance
Tim introduces the new look, discusses some of his “unique” design philosophy before looking at how he shaved nearly 2 seconds off the sites load time. He looks at how making the site fast has become an important part of what the site is. Right down to swapping out favicons in the name of performance.

Coming from Linux to Mac
Tim takes a look at the Mac tools he uses everyday that he thinks his friendly and colleague Keith a Linux sysadmin will find useful with his new MacBook Pro
The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be
The future is a scary thing, its a leap into the unknown and yet for all of us it’s always the next step Since the birth of my daughter I have been pondering the future, it has been at times a quite dark place to visit but slowly I’m seeing a light. She has certainly […]
Your Privacy is important to me, so I’m trampling all over it!
Tim introduces some major changes to his privacy policy and how it effects users on the site. He also discusses the balancing act sites need to take and how it effects visitors. This might not be a glamorous post but its an important read for any regular visitor.

Become my Patron, help me release amazing WordPress Videos
After getting feedback, I’m today launching my Patreon Campaign, will you be my next patron and help fund indepth and interesting WordPress video series? You can find out why I’m doing this and how you can get involved as well as others ways to help out.