Going Beyond LAMP – WordCamp Sheffield 2014

Events and Talks | WordPress

WordCamp Sheffield was on Sat 26th of April and was a fantastic local WordCamp, I did a presentation on Going Beyond Lamp, looking at other technologies to either wholesale replace your LAMP stack or compliment it.

Before jumping to the slides and notes, a small friendly reminder, if you took a beer token off me last night, just like the Kings Shilling you made a promise, though fear not it’s not recruitment to the army, but rather to sign up to the newsletter to the left (or on a mobile from the menu at the top) so you best do it now if you haven’t already.

Going Beyond LAMP – WordCamp Sheffield 2014 from Tim Nash

Use the right tool for the job

I can’t emphasis this enough, the most popular is not always the right tool, and thats not just when it comes to server technologies, but Themes, Plugins etc.

It’s very easy for a plugin to become very popular, if evangelised by the right people, and not be any good. So with that in mind, I present alternatives, but it’s for you to play with them and see what will fit your environment.

Direct Replacements

Key Value Stores

Queue Management Systems

There are millions of queue systems, the above are just a couple examples.

Reverse Proxies

Search Engines

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