New WordPress Workshop in Leeds UK

Events and Talks

Just a quick post to say I will be running an “advanced” WordPress workshop looking specifically at Scaling and Managing sites. This 1 day in-person course in Leeds is perfect for freelancers, agency developers and in house peeps who want to either take their knowledge to the next level or reinforce existing good practices. You can book your place today.

You can tell I’m not good at sales pitches, so to put it simply, if you find the stuff on my blog interesting then even if some of it goes over your head this is the one day course for you.

The goal is for you to be able to take actionable points away that will help improve your workflow, help setup and maintain sites that scale well, and require as little maintenance as possible. This is not a course on “do x then y and z” rather a “here is how I or one of my clients has set up this, this is where it can be improved, this is how you can achieve something similar”.

It is an advanced course in so much as it assumes you are familiar with WordPress, though in reality very little of the course is WordPress specific and most of it can be used in any web project.

So if you are a freelancer then you should come along and join me. The initial outlay for the course will easily be paid back in savings made to your workflow and production cycles, especially if you have been thinking that Continual Deployment, Version Control and Acceptance Testing are all things agencies, not freelancers, should be doing.

If you work for an agency, then you should come along as it should help bring new ideas which you can take back to help refine your existing workflows with outside perspective. For agency developers who might be working on large projects and only seeing one part this workshop will help you see the entire stack and how your code decisions can have a large impact.

If you are in house at a non WordPress Agency then this is an opportunity to not only look at expanding your own workflows, deployment and maintenance cycles but also meet and interact with other WordPress Developers/Designers and learn from their experience.

The new date for the next Scaling and Managing Workshop is the 23rd of September 2014 which happens to coincide with WordPress Leeds Dev Night, so combine the two and have a day of Scaling and Managing, before heading along to WordPress Leeds and then finishing with a beer or cold beverage!

Remember, 23rd September and it’s £195+VAT per person
For full details and to book tickets see Scaling and Managing WordPress – Workshop

I’m running a workshop
23rd September
Tickets are £195+VAT
You should come

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(No Strings Attached, honest!)