Hello, I’m back!


Hello stranger! Long time no see, or if this is your first time here, welcome!

This is the first post on the all new TimNash.co.uk and I suspect you may have questions so I will do my best to answer them below.

What happened to the old TimNash.co.uk?

Ah good question, when we turned the servers off at Coding Futures it well, died, as it was hosted on a company server. That was back in October 2013. Given I hadn’t blogged on the site for over 2 years at that point I just let it die.

Wait Coding Futures is no more?

Yes, Coding Futures ceased to trade last year.

So what do you do now?

STUFF! I’m doing some consulting for a couple of clients as well as working with my partner on a number of projects.

What happened to the old content?

In a fit of madness/temper tantrum I decided the whole lot should go, because most of it was out of date or ranty rubbish. I may choose to update a few posts in the future but for the time being they are all gone.

So what are you going to blog about now?

Mainly WordPress, DevOps and E-Commerce bits though the occasional digital marketing post might slip in (and of course the occasional rant).

Are you secretly Andy Beard?

No, it’s pure coincidence that myself and Andy stopped blogging and then restarted around the same time.

What ever happened to WordPress for DevOps?

It dawned on me that I perhaps shouldn’t be trying to run multiple sites on similar subjects, so I merged the plans for that site into this one.

What can I do to encourage you to keep blogging?

Sign up to my newsletter on the right and tell your friends about the site. Comment and participate! If you want me to cover a specific topic, shout.

Will you be covering X?

I don’t know, but if you want me to cover it let me know either via twitter or Google+.

Can I write on your blog?

I have never had guest posts in the past, but I’m more open to having the occasional guest author on here.

Can I pay for posts/sponsor x/advertise

Nope, been there done that got t-shirt. Currently I have no plans to offer advertising.

Will you ever post those old talks, slides and bits you’ve been promising to do for years?

Some, maybe.

Who is editing your posts, you know your grammar sucks?

Currently no one! Can you tell?

So to summarise:
I’m back, I will be writing on a range of topics including WordPress, E-Commerce, Digital Marketing and DevOps. The old content is gone, I am not Andy Beard but I do want to hear from all of you.

Photo Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/carbonsilk/3514377601/

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(No Strings Attached, honest!)