Going Beyond Unit Tests – WordCamp London 2015


WordCamp London has been brilliant, but I’m shattered, so have thrown up the slides here

For WordCamp London 2015 I talked about testing tools, that go beyond doing unit tests, which not only help in different situations but at least for me are more interesting and dare I say it fun.

It’s really interesting giving a talk about concepts within development, especially ones which while not new are quite niche. While I’m sure for many this talk was simply to basic, hopefully for a few it’s given them inspiration to take a look at testing and for a few others to see that testing doesn’t just mean passing unit tests.


The talk focused on integration, functional and acceptance testing which are types of test we just don’t see much about in the WordPress world, where unit tests are really starting to take hold.


Tim Nash

While the talk focused on Codeception there are a huge range of frameworks out there, for PHP probably the most popular of which is Behat. My choice for showing Codeception was to demonstrate a framework that made use of PHP that was still easy for non-developers to use but gives developers freedom to use their development skills creating tests.

What the talk was not, was on methodology, instead it was about presenting tools and concepts that said their are a great many methodologies out there and each has it’s own take and vocabulary.


One of the goals of the talk was to try and change mindset that testing is some dull thing you have to do to get a patch request accepted but can actually be something you would use in your own side projects or even going beyond and away from development all together.

Over the next few months I will be posting a range of articles, and links to acceptance and integration testing in WordPress as well as an indepth video tutorial series, which is being funded by my Patrons. If you enjoyed the talk and would like to see more consider becoming a patron.

Photo Credit Laura Vaquero

Post was updated 1st June with the video of the presentation

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