Talk: Who is afraid of the big bad host?

Hosting Talk
From 2017
(Video from WordCamp London 2017)

This talk was a bit of a disaster for me, but it did mean I got to write about my process for creating talks in a post entitled Who is afraid of the big bad talk, which I’m actually far more proud off.

Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Cloud, Dedicated PS, Dedicated Cloud, Co-lo what does any of that mean welcome to the world of hosting with its bizarre vocabulary and massive amount of marketing spin. It can often be confusing just working out what hosting companies do let alone, if their products and services are suitable for your project.

In this talk Tim will guide you through the world of hosting, looking at what the different offerings mean trying to break down the vocabulary of hosting into terms that are easy to understand. To help you find out what products and services might be right for your next site. He will go through some of the key things to look for and questions you should be asking about any products/service. Finally he will challenge some of the preconceived notions and show how in the right services free can sometime be the


