Talk: Going Beyond Unit Tests

WordPress General Talk
From 2015- 2020
(Video from WordCamp London 2015)

This talk introduces the concept of behaviour driven tests, rather then looking at the codes logic these tests looks at the larger application and checks it does what we and our boss expects. It focuses around the using Codeception a PHP based testing suite with WordPress to provide acceptance, visual regression and API test coverage for plugin, themes and sites. The talk is suitable for any developer, who is interesting in improving testing within their applications, especially those who may have been in the past put off by unit testing. The goal to speed up peoples development by automating testing they already do and improve coverage of tests, as well as looking at interesting “other uses” for acceptance testing.

Fun note, my daughter was born a week before this video was shot, Simon the MC for the day at WordCamp London had to wake me up just as I was going on stage.

