I (Tim Nash) respect the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and this policy explains how we collect and treat any information you give me. I am based in the United Kingdom and more specifically England and such legal aspects of this policy would be covered by English and Welsh law. You won’t find any complicated legal terms or long passages of unreadable text. However there are a few things we need to go through:
Why I value your privacy
I value your privacy as much as my own, so I am committed to keeping your personal and business information safe. I will never use your personal information for any reason other than why you gave it, and I will never give anyone access to it unless I’m forced to by law.
How I collect information
I ask for contact information including your name, email address, on the website contact page so that I can reply to your enquiry.
My website doesn’t use cookies that are designed to track the websites you visit. I do use anonymous analytics to provide general statistics but this does not track or associate your visits using a cookie.
I collect your email address when you sign up to the newsletters.
Occasionally, I might receive your contact information from one of my partners. If I do, I will protect it in exactly the same way as if you give it to me directly.
What information I hold
When you contact me by email or through the website, I collect your name and email address.
If you sign up for a newsletter, I only collect your email address.
If you leave a comment on the form, I collect the name, email address, IP Address and the comment itself. This action also sets a cookie, to allow you to see your comments.
Where I store your information
When you contact me by email through the website, the information is sent to a dedicated email account. If you sign up for the newsletter, I store your email address in Buttondown, who send email via Mailgun which is an email newsletter provider.
What I use your information for
Email addresses subscribed to the newsletter will be sent emails, covering a range of subjects in the form of a newsletter, along with other content that might include product and service information. When I do, you have the option to unsubscribe from these communications and I won’t send them to you again.
Who’s responsible for your information at
While this is the personal site of Tim Nash the individual it also provides services on behalf of Tempered Ltd trading as Tim Nash. As such some services such as Buttondown us Tempered Ltd accounts. In such circumstances this Privacy Policy still covers that data. You can contact me by email at site at if you have any concerns about the information I store.
Who has access to information about you
I am the only person with access to all information however limited access maybe available to other employees and directors of Tempered Ltd. Such access is governed under the UK Data Protection act and is only on an as needed basis.
Changes to the policy
If I change the contents of this policy, those changes will become effective the moment I publish them on the website.
Change Log
A changelog was started on 3/11/2014 prior to this date changes were not publicly tracked.
- 24/01/2025 – Update to reflect the change from Oh Hai World to Tim Nash the trading name of Tempered Ltd.
- 14/12/2020 – Removed MailChimp and added Buttondown as Newsletter Provider.
- 29/10/2020 – Update to reflect the change from Tim Nash the individual to Tim Nash the trading name of Oh Hai World.
- 23/07/2020 – Total rewrite to make the privacy policy to make it more human-readable.
- 23/7/2020 – Edited the last updated statement, with the correct date of last update.
- 6/06/2020 – Replaced Tiny Letter with MailChimp as Newsletter Provider.
- 31/1/20 – Adding of Koko Analytics in Cookieless mode. Adding information on RECAPTCHA on Contact Form.
- 24/4/2018 – Changes made to reflect the removal of most tracking
- 3/11/2014 – Changes made, to include re-targeting, social media lookup and reference the use of Gravatar